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Health Tips: Click here to know the home remedies for stomach problems...

Stomach-related problems have become common day by day due to increasing stress and wrong eating habits. In such a situation, you can get some relief by trying these easy measures. Along with these measures, a balanced diet and proper lifestyle will also help reduce the problem.

-Whenever there is an attack of acidity, the best solution is to eat a ripe banana.

If the banana is a little riper, then the effect will be good. Due to the potassium present in bananas, it has a high pH, which eliminates acidity.

-Chew some basil leaves. Tulsi reduces acidity by reducing the effect of peptic acid in the stomach. It also improves digestion.

-Drinking cold milk also reduces acidity. The calcium present in it reduces acidity. Being cool reduces irritation. Make sure that there is no sugar in it. If there is more acidity, then 1 tsp desi ghee in it.

-Fennel is not only digestive but also cools and removes acidity and constipation. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for mouth ulcers.

-In case of acidity, eat cumin after chewing or boil it in water and drink this water when it cools down.

-Clove is also very beneficial. Whenever there is acidity, chew a clove and keep its oil in the mouth for some time. It also removes acidity and increases saliva, which also improves digestion.

-About cardamom, it has been believed in Ayurveda for years that it has the properties to balance all the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In case of acidity, eat two cardamoms by chewing (can be eaten with peel), or for immediate relief, boil cardamom seeds powder in water and drink this water (decoction) when it cools down.

-Cut mint leaves and boil them in water and drink this water after cooling. It also reduces pain and burning due to acidity.

-Ginger not only improves digestion but also protects the stomach from the effects of acid. Chewing a piece of ginger provides relief from acidity. If you can't chew it, then drink it after boiling it with water or crush it and suck it with jaggery.

-Amla gives relief from phlegm and pitta. The best way to keep acidity away is to take 1 tsp of amla powder daily.

-Cinnamon is very beneficial in gas. Drink half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with warm milk.

-You can also make and drink cinnamon tea. Boil cinnamon powder in 1 cup of water for some time and drink it as tea.

-Mix 2 tsp apple cider vinegar (if it is not available, use ordinary vinegar) in 1 glass of warm water. Drink it when it cools down.