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Home Remedies For Heel Pain: Heel pain is troubling in winter season, this home remedy will get rid of it immediately..

Best medicine for heel pain: People face many types of problems during the winter season. One of those problems is stiffness. If you are troubled by the pain in your ankles, then today we are telling you the recipe to correct it. With this, the pain in your ankles will go away very easily. People complain that mostly this pain occurs in the morning. Winter has reduced, but it is not over. In such a situation, you should take more care during the change of weather. This problem can be solved with this home remedy. Do you also know how this problem can be solved?

Turmeric gives relief
Turmeric is full of medicinal properties. Many types of anti-inflammatory properties are found in it. If you want to get rid of ankle pain, add turmeric to the oil and apply it to the ankles. Apart from this, if you want, you can also use jaggery in it. By applying this paste to the ankles, the pain reduces considerably.

Moisturize in winter

The skin becomes dry in the winter season. Because of this, the heels also start cracking. If you want to get rid of this pain, then you must moisturize the ankles. This will make them soft and their pain will also reduce. In such a situation, you can moisturize the ankles at night.

Study everyday
If you are having pain in your heel and you want to get relief from it, then you can practice this. This is considered a better option to get rid of this pain. If there is swelling in the heel, then that too goes away from it. In such a situation, you can use it to get rid of this pain in the winter season. This home remedy is considered very effective. For this, you should teach with hot things. By doing this you will get relief soon.