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Every working women should try these easy and effective Yoga poses

In today's busy world, women often struggle to prioritize self-care alongside their careers. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can provide numerous benefits, including stress reduction, increased flexibility, and overall well-being. Many women working outside develop postural issues like neck and back pain, as well as eye discomfort and migraines.
Working women often neglect their respiratory health due to busy schedules, alongside other serious issues like breast cancer affecting their overall well-being.

Avoiding sleeping in the prone position can help maintain proper oxygen flow and reduce the risk of breast cancer by promoting better circulation and preventing knots in the breast tissue. For reducing this risk focus on shoulder opening exercises and pranayama to improve overall health and energy levels. However, simple yoga exercises can offer relief from these all problems.

Check out these following exercises for daily life benefits.
1- Shoulder Rolls: Roll your shoulders in a circular motion, slowly moving them up enhale and down exhale . This can help reduce shoulder pain and tension.
2. Neck Rolls:Gently roll your neck from one side to the other. This helps alleviate neck pain.
3. Chest Opener: Stand tall and bring your hands behind your back, interlocking your fingers. While inhaling, gently pull your shoulders back. This relieves pressure on the chest and reduces tension.
4-Shoulder Stretch: Cross one arm over to the opposite shoulder, gently pressing with the opposite hand. Switch sides. It eases tension in shoulders and neck.
5-Ankle Rotation: Sit down, lift one foot, and rotate it clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat with the other foot. It relieves foot discomfort and boosts circulation.
6. Touch your chin with wall :-
First of all, stand facing the wall. Then touch your chin bone to the wall. Wait 3-5 seconds. Repeat this three times.
7. Chair exercise :First of all, sit on a chair and place both your feet shoulder-width apart. While slowly inhaling, raise both the hands upwards touching the ears in Namaskar posture. Here you can use a yoga brick or towel, yoga booster etc. to support your knees and wait for some time. Here your thoracic part is open, inhale and exhale and then return to the starting position. Repeat this 5-8 times. Then in the second position, while exhaling, bend forward, hold the upper part of the chair with your hands as shown in the picture and here pull your stomach inwards.

(8) Ardh Chakrasana with wall support:-
Now stand facing the opposite direction of the wall. And with a gap of the length of your hands, slowly inhale and place your hands on the ball. Wait a bit, now your thoracic is open. Therefore, at this time, take small breaths and keep exhaling. Stop as much as you can and then slowly come back. Do this by repeating it 2-3 times.

Avoid in back injury & pregnancy.
(9) Samkonasana (Right angle pose) with Wall Support:-Stand with both feet together. Move away from the wall with one and a half times the width of your hands. While touching both the hands to the ears, inhale and blow upwards. Then while exhaling, slowly bend forward. Taking support of the wall, slowly bend down and a slight arch will come on your bank and push the hips back a little. Maintain the position for five seconds. 5-10 rounds can be done.

This asana has an effect on the Anahata Chakra (heart) spine, shoulders.
(10) Supported Fish Pose: Spread both the legs in front and straighten them. Then place a yoga brick, roller or folded towel or yoga bolster under your upper spine region and then slowly place the upper part of your head (crown chakra) on the ground. Slowly relax the shoulders and keep them aside and after coming to the final position, take long, deep and slow breaths in and out. Stay in this position for one to three minutes. Then slowly turn towards the left and get up with the support of your hands.

Precautions: Heart disease, peptic ulcer, hernia, serious back problem, Pregnant women
benifits -Asthama , Bronchitis, Back pain.

(11) Bridge Pose: Lie on your back with knees bent, feet hip-width apart, and arms by your sides.
Inhale, lift hips towards the ceiling, pressing feet and arms down.
Engage glutes and thighs, chin slightly tucked.
Hold briefly, then exhale, lowering hips back down.

benefits -Backpain ,Tighten the pelvic region, strengthen core ,Gluts, hips

Take care of your eyes also:-
Like the body, eyes also have temperature. The temperature of the eyes increases due to sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time, stress etc. Sometimes the problem of dry eyes
Itching, burning etc. occurs. How to take care of eyes-
1. Limit sun exposure.
2. Blink 15 times per minute when using a computer.
3. Eat green vegetables, amla, carrots, walnuts, almonds, and cardamom.
4. Pause and rotate your eyes in a figure-eight motion while working.
5. Before bed, apply cold water-soaked cotton pads to eyelids for 2-3 minutes.
6. For dry eyes, apply lukewarm cloth to eyes and seek medical advice.
7. Wash eyes with cold water in the morning, and use eye drops only under medical guidance.

Add this Pranayama in your daily routine:
Alternate breathing - this can be practiced anytime of the day ,after taking meal of before meal ,so this is easy to practice anytime and there is no time limit for this breathing exercise.
1. Sit comfortably with a straight spine.
2. Close right nostril with right thumb, inhale through left nostril.
3. Close left nostril with right ring finger, exhale through right nostril.
4. Inhale through right nostril, close it with right thumb.
5. Exhale through left nostril, repeat for several rounds.