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Shivam Mahadevan undergoes ACL reconstruction surgery: All about it

Shivam Mahadevan underwent ACL reconstruction surgery a week ago. "I am now back home with my loved ones! My family, friends and staff have treated me like a king and made me go through this week like a breeze!," Shivam has posted on Instagram. Dad Shankar Mahadevan has replied to Shivam's picture with lots of happy emojis.

"So a week ago, I successfully went through an ACL reconstruction surgery and by God’s grace i am recovering well. The recovery is a slow process with pain here and there so i need to be patient and need all your good wishes and blessings to get through this quickly!

I am now back home with my loved ones! My family, friends and staff have treated me like a king and made me go through this week like a breeze!

I am sorry for being so inactive lately but I promise to be back with a bang!

Until then, please keep sending in your wishes and blessings!

Love you guys!," Shivam has posted on social media.

https://www.instagram.com/p/C6quJ3LBDQa/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C6quJ3LBDQa/

What is ACL reconstruction surgery?
ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction surgery is a procedure commonly performed to repair a torn ACL in the knee. The ACL is a crucial ligament that stabilizes the knee joint, and injuries to it are frequent, particularly among athletes engaging in high-impact sports.

As per John Hopkins, "The main reason to have surgery is to restore stability to the knee so it no longer gives out or slides too far forward, which is often painful. The other reason — perhaps the most important reason — is to protect the articular cartilage in the knee from being damaged. It is also important to protect the medial and lateral menisci in the knee."

During ACL reconstruction surgery, the surgeon typically removes the damaged ligament and replaces it with a graft, often taken from the patient's own body (autograft) or from a donor (allograft). The graft is then secured in place with screws or other fixation devices.

The surgery is usually performed arthroscopically, a minimally invasive technique that involves small incisions and the use of a tiny camera to guide the surgeon. This approach generally results in less postoperative pain and faster recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.

Following surgery, patients undergo a comprehensive rehabilitation program to regain strength, flexibility, and stability in the knee. Rehabilitation typically includes exercises to improve range of motion, strengthen the surrounding muscles, and gradually reintroduce weight-bearing activities.

While ACL reconstruction surgery can effectively restore knee stability and function, it is essential for patients to adhere to their rehabilitation regimen diligently to optimize outcomes and reduce the risk of reinjury.