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A Glimpse into Nick Jonas' Argentina tour with Kevin and Joe Jonas - WATCH

Nearly ten years after their previous trip to Argentina, the Jonas Brothers have returned to where it all began. In 2013, they released a single before announcing the group's breakup a few months later. Since then, they've pursued solo careers, started families, won awards, and finally reunited. As part of their Five Albums, One Night world tour, the Jonas Brothers held a three-day concert in Buenos Aires , Argentina, and fans were already buzzing with excitement.After their initial concert in Argentina, Nick Jonas posted a short video on Instagram for his fans.
The video features the actor-singer wearing a vest and loose pants, posing in front of a mirror in his hotel room.

Meanwhile, the group's official social media accounts posted photos from the concert, displaying the brothers performing in front of a large audience. The concert took place at the Movistar Arena.

Since the dates for the concerts in Argentina were revealed, fans have been eagerly anticipating the return of the Jonas Brothers. They couldn't fully express their excitement as they gathered in large numbers to attend the concert. Fans thoroughly enjoyed the performance, reminiscing about the group's first visit in 2009.

https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PfQ-4vPOr/?img_index=3 https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PfQ-4vPOr/?img_index=3

At the start of the show, Nick stepped onto the stage wearing a vibrant green jacket. Following him, Joe appeared in a jacket with an animal print pattern and joined the performance. Meanwhile, Kevin began playing the opening chords of 'Wings' from their latest album, 'The Album.' Their clothing choices appeared to be influenced by the style of the 2000s.

https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PiX7KOqJv/ https://www.instagram.com/p/C6PiX7KOqJv/

As they kicked off the evening with 'Wings' and 'Celebrate,' the group created a nostalgic atmosphere by performing popular tracks like 'Year 3000,' 'Hold On,' and 'Burnin Up.' Throughout the concert, they took their fans on a musical journey, singing a variety of songs from their collection, both old and new.

Ending the show with 'Only Human'' and 'Leave Before You Love Me,' the Jonas Brothers waved the Argentine flag as they said goodbye, prompting the fans to chant together in response.