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For 'Cheap' Labour, Google Fires Its Entire Python Team: Report

In a major development, according to reports emerging online, Google has allegedly fired its entire to Python team. Python is a highly sophisticated, general-purpose programming language.

According to reports from sources that produce news on such matters, this is critical, as the California-based company is an AI driven company, especially in the current AI boom.

This as the complicated system of Artificial Intelligence is written in the sophisticated Python language.

A chain of information on the matter is currently available on platform like Reddit and Hacker News.

Screengrab of the chain from Hacker News

On X, a user shared a post of screengrab of the revelation by the fired employees on a platform.

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In the post, the now former Google employees said, "in addition to contributing to upstream python, we maintained a stable version of python within google, and made sure that everything in the monorepo worked with it.

Many are speculating and thereby attributing this decision to the company's search for 'cheaper' option elsewhere, outside the United States, where the company would not have to pay as much.

The screengrab of the conversation

They further go on to say, "In my time on the team we moved from 2.7 to 3.6, then incrementally to 3.11, each update taking months to over a year because the rule at google is if you check any code in, you are responsible for every single breakage it causes".

The despondent former employee apart from enumerating their work, also expressed the constrained nature of the task, that was limited under two dozen employees who were working in the department.

They said, "we did all this for years with fewer than 10 people, most of whom loved the work and the team so much that we just stayed on it for years. also, despite the understaffing, we had managers who were extremely good about maintaining work/life balance and the "marathon, not sprint" approach to work. as i said in another comment, it's the best job i've ever had, and i'll miss it deeply."

Previously, there were similar cuts made in labour made, in the finance department, indicating the company's reorientation of policies and cost cutting, by employing labour from labour markets cheaper than the US.

In addition, these developments come barely days after the company fired dozens of its workers in New York and California for protesting inside the company campus, against its support to Israel in Gaza.