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Samantha goes underground

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After taking some rest and treatment, there was a talk that Samantha the Kushi lady was making a come back. But right now the news is that she is not giving any time or dates to the producers.

She is in news for the phone tapping issue which is rocking the future of the police and also the politicians in the state of Telangana. There is news in the social media that Phone tapping was the reason for Samantha getting the divorce with Naga Chaitanya.

After Kushi she did not take any fresh assignments and now with the phone tapping news she is keeping away from the movies they said.

They say she has realized that health is more important than career and planning things accordingly to regain her strength and confidence. She has been undergoing treatment and also hitting the gym to regain her power and bone strength.

“For a Telugu film, an actress has to work at least for 10 to 12 days at a stretch and she has to wrap up her 50 days work in just a few months, so Samantha has shied away from signing Telugu films, since she is not sure about her health,.

There are also rumours that she was married to Siddarth first and then she got married to Naga Chaitanya Now she is alone trying to fix her health.

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