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How to Deal With Exam Stress

It is natural that the students get too much tension and stress of their exams. Here are the best tips to overcome exams tension.

Eat Healthy
You should take care of your eating habits before and during the exams. This is due to the reason that if you don't eat well, the might fall ill and ultimately have to suffer from losing the marks.

Avoid Using Mobiles
Just keep your mobile phones in the cabinet for a few weeks before the exams and during the exams. This will help you save a lot of time and you will not be wasting a single moment with your mobile.

Be Confident
Be confident and think positive. Don't lose the heart even when you haven't studies properly.

Plan the Studies
Make an appropriate time table and divide your subjects according to their chapters and lectures. Planning the study and scheduling it in a proper way will help to avoid exam tension.

Stop Discussions
You don't need to tell your classmates how many chapters have been finished. Just stop such discussions because they always confuse us.

No extra Books
No extra books or journals will help you when exams are near. You should stick to your subjects only and try to give all the time to them. Stop studying the books which don’t belong to your syllabus because this is not the right time for extra readings.

Stay away from Fights
Any kind of fights, useless arguments and quarrels within and outside the college are not your headache. You should avoid sitting in the company of such friends who keep on quarreling for small things.