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How to make great impression in first meeting

The first impression remains forever in people's mind and it also decides whether you will meet again or not. When you meet someone for first time, people judge you on basis of your appearance, body language and talks. This judgement should be in your favour if you wish to impress them. Know these 7 tricks to impress others in first meeting.

Be punctual:- Reaching on schedules time is very important. If you get late for initial meetings even a minute, you would leave a negative impression. You must have enough time allowing for traffic issue or parking troubles.

Take care of body language:- Body language speaks more than words. It also makes huge impact on making first impression. Firm handshake, position of shoulders and appropriate eye contact are also part of it. The way you carry yourself while meeting someone should be taken care of.

Stay optimistic:- Nobody wants to be someone who is negative or complains a lot. Be someone who brightens up the environment with their presence. If you have cheerful and lively nature, you will undoubtedly impress others.

Become a good listener:- Always give others opportunity to speak. Don't make others feel that they are not in conversation. People feel comfortable when they talk about their life and interest. When you encourage others to share their ideas, it shows you like to know them. If you want to initiate a good relationship, be a good listener.

Pay attention to others:- Pay attention to others' talk and really impresses others. When you show others that you are interested in their talks, it will make them happy. Listen to them genuinely as you can be caught by your body language.

Your appearance matters:- Clothes, shoes, accessories as well as your hairstyle portray your personality. Be sure that you must elicit your image in the correct manner in first meeting. Always have the right dressing that presents the best in you. People tend to impress by your appearance too. So, always take care of your looks.

Be yourself:- Genuinity is always appreciated. This is the most important aspect of every meeting. Be relaxed and be yourself. Don't fake yourself in the first meeting because this is the impression you made for lifetime.You easily impress others if you are true.