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How to solve reasoning questions, 7 easy tips

Any entrance test related to Banking, MBA, IAS, or any other has a Logical Reasoning section for you to solve. Logical thinking helps you discern the truth, solve problems, and make good decisions. Following tips will help solve reasoning skills like a pro.

Understand the types of statements...You need to understand the difference between various types of statements such as Conditional, Converse, Inverse or Contrapositive.

Understand the sufficient conditions...A sufficient condition is one that, if met, absolutely guarantees the occurrence of a certain result, that is, a result that is dependent on that condition.

Understand the necessary but not sufficient part...A condition can be necessary but not sufficient. For example, keeping your smartphone out of water is necessary for preventing its ruin. However, even if you do so, your smartphone could be ruined in other ways.

Understand the sufficient but not necessary part...A condition can be sufficient but not necessary. For example, dropping the smartphone into water is a sufficient condition for ruining it. However, it is not a necessary condition for ruining it.

Differentiate between observation and Inferences...Observation means using your senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, touching to collect the required data or information. Inference is the conclusion we draw from that observation.

Recognize the Patterns...Pattern Recognition strengthens your mental, spatial abilities and your IQ. This exercise helps you to develop the ability to see a pattern or an order in a messy situation.

Create algorithms...Algorithm defines a sequence of operations and are commonly used in computer programming. You can improve your logical thinking by creating algorithms too.