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The Platform Review (Netflix): An Eerie Portrayal Of The Monstrous Side Of Human Beings For Survival

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The Platform Star Ratings: 4/5 Stars

Cast: Iván Massagué, Alexandra Masangkay, Zorion Eguileor

Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia

Available On: Netflix

The Platform Review (Netflix): An Eerie Portrayal Of The Monstrous Side Of Human Beings For Survival

Currently, most of the world is under lockdown and the top priority for every person is survival. When people are locked in one place, they would do anything to feed their stomachs. But it’s not that easy. We live in a society where classism still persists at a great level and the ones on the top are benefitted the most while those who aren’t, suffer a lot.

In The Platform, people are kept in a tower that has different levels of platforms, from 1-300 or more. In each cell, two people stay together. Every day, they are served a large amount delicious meal through on a big table that passes from the first level to the last one. However, until the table reaches level 50, the food gets over and what’s left are empty plates and glasses. So how do others who are at the bottom survive? That’s the uncomfortable part of the film but also the ugly reality. Aren’t we witnessing currently how people are hoarding food and the daily essentials without thinking that there are others too who need the same?

The film shows how the one who tries to fight this bias and difference in treatment, end up becoming the same problem they decided to take a stand against. The Platform tells us that even nicest person in the room can turn into a monster when it comes to survival. After all, being greedy is a part of human nature and no one can deny that.


The Platform is a metaphor of how the oppressed ones aren’t treated like humans. The privileged ones aren’t kind enough to help those below them. People who are at the bottom have lost faith in humanity and even don’t feel the need to help each other. Even when people from the bottom level get a chance to be at the top, they eat the food without thinking of those below them. They become too cunning and their sufferings make them incapable of thinking for anyone else, anymore. So in the end, all this leads to human destruction.

The Platform isn’t an easy watch as it’s a gut-wrenching reality check for all of us. It has many brutal and explicit scenes, including cannibalism. Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia’s direction in tensed and eerie that perfectly sets the petrifying mood for the film. The red and dark blue light settings give us the feel of horror and havoc humans are causing to each other. Actor Iván Massagué gives a commendable act of a person who is shocked to see what’s happening around. There’s more to his character that you will see in the film as I don’t want to give away the spoilers.

If you are already having a hard time to deal with the lockdown, you must avoid watching The Platform. However, those who can handle this type of content without getting triggered and aren’t affected by gruesome scenes, you should give it a watch.

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