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Chanakya Niti: These Four reasons can cause problems in life

Chanakya Niti: These four reasons can cause problems in life

Acharya Chanakya has mentioned many things related to Human life in Ethics. By following these things, a person can make his life successful.
Acharya Chanakya was a great philosopher. Apart from economics, politics, and diplomacy, he has given many things related to human life.

Acharya Chanakya has mentioned many things related to almost every field of Ethics. By following these things, a person can make his life successful. These policies are very famous. People still follow these policies to achieve success in life.

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Acharya Chanakya has also given some reasons for ethics that can create problems in the life of a human being.

Rindkarta pita Shatrumata ch vyabhicharani

Bharya Roopvati Shatru: Putra: Shatrurapandit:

According to Acharya Chanakya, if the father takes a loan, then he is no less than an enemy. The father to maintain his children properly. But if he takes a loan instead, then in the future, his child will have to repay this debt. In such a situation, the father will prove to be the biggest enemy of his child
Discrimination– According to Acharya Chanakya, a mother who discriminates against her children can cause a rift in the relationship between the children. This spoils the relationship between the family. Such a mother is the enemy of her child.

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According to Acharya Chanakya, the beauty of the wife can cause trouble for the husband. If they do not respect their husband, they have a relationship with other men. Such a wife can cause humiliation.
According to Acharya Chanakya, if the child has less brain, then he is no less than an enemy of the parents. Such children are always dependent on their parents. Such children may cause harm in the future.
Ignorance- Education is very important in our life. An educated person can be identified separately. If you do not give importance to education and consider being educated as useless, then you may have to face many difficulties in your life.
Remember that anyone can easily put an uneducated person in trouble.