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Hyderabad: Man arrested for killing wife at Puranapul graveyard

Hyderabad: The Bahadurpura police arrested a man for allegedly killing his wife brutally at Puranapul graveyard for maintaining an extramarital relationship.

The accused Tuljappa suspected his wife Sony alias Anita was maintaining a close relationship with one person Balaram and developed a grudge against her.

On March 10 night, he along with his wife went to their makeshift hut near Puranapul dargah Bahadurpura and slept there. Around 1 a.m., Tuljappa woke up and found Balram came to their hut and was asleep.

Tuljappa went to a belt shop at Parthiwada Puranapul and purchased and consumed liquor. He returned to the hut and found Balaram with his wife. On noticing Tuljappa, the man Balaram left the hut.

“Angered over it Tuljappa took a stick and beat his wife badly. He poured liquor on her body and set her ablaze. She died due to burns,” said A Sudhakar, SHO Bahadurpura police station.

The police booked a case and arrested Tuljappa. The arrested accused was produced before the court and sent to judicial custody.

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