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NSUI, JNTUH students protest Credit-Based Detention

Hyderabad: The National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) members began protests at the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) campus in Kukatpally, alongside the students, against the Credit-Based Detention System, on Monday, November 20.

The NSUI leaders, along with JNTUH students gathered at the gates of the campus on Monday morning, voicing their discontent against the Credit-Based Detention System implemented in the academic year 2022-23.

State President Balamuri Venkat, alongside other NSUI leaders, is demanding the abolition of the system for students enrolled in the R17, R18, R20, R21, and R22 batches.

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JNTUH students demand revocation of credit-based detention policy

Balamuri Venkat, addressing the gathering, assured students that the Congress government, once in power, would address their concerns within a span of 20 days.

“As soon as the Congress party comes to power, JNTU, besides removing the credit-based detention system NSUI will also help to bring a student-friendly policy,” said Venkat Balamuri, who also serves as the President and an All India Congress Committee (AICC) Member.

The contention revolves around the credit-based detention policy instituted by JNTUH for the 2022-2023 academic year. Under this system, students must get a minimum number of credits to progress to the next academic year. In this academic cycle, students needed to earn at least 25% of their credits for promotion. 

The implementation of credit-based detention has drawn sharp criticism, with students and NSUI demanding that the policy places undue stress on academic performance.

How does JNTUH credit-based detention policy work?

As per academic regulations for B.Tech R18, students must secure at least 18 out of 37 credits to get promoted to second year first semester.

For promotion to their year first semester, students must secure at least 47 out of 79 credits.

In order to be promoted to the final year first semester, students must secure 73 out of 123 credits.

Students who fail to secure the needed credits are not promoted and the duration of their degree increases. In such cases, students face difficulty both in securing jobs and seeking admission to higher studies abroad.

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