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Say hello to gorgeous hair and skin with Neem: Remedies you can't afford to miss

The herb neem (Margosa) is nature's own antibiotic. It is regarded as a powerful medicine in India because of its healing and purifying effects. Neem contains organic sulphur compounds, which are extremely beneficial for your skin and hair. It is easy to use neem as a home remedy for skin and hair care, not only to prevent problems but also to soothe and cure them.

How to make neem leaf infusion
You can wash your hair and skin with neem leaf infusions. Infusions are made by boiling water and adding neem leaves. Do not boil the leaves, but rather cover them and let them stand in water overnight. The next day, strain the water and use it to wash your face and hair. The water can also be poured on the body as a last rinse.

Neem leaves benefits for skin
Neem leaf infusion can be used to treat pimples, acne, and boils. Heat rashes and prickly heat can be prevented and soothed with it. Neem leaf infusions are beneficial even for itchy skin conditions.

Neem leaves benefits for hair

Infusions made from neem leaves are effective in treating dandruff and scalp itching. After washing the hair, use the infusion as a last rinse.

Neem Oil
Neem oil can also be used for head massages. To begin, heat about 200 grams of coconut oil or sesame seed oil (til). Add a handful of neem leaves to the oil. Let it stand in the oil for about ten days, allowing it to be exposed to the sun during that time. The oil can then be used after straining the leaves. Among other scalp conditions, including dandruff, this treatment prevents rashes, itching and other symptoms. Besides relieving itching, it also prevents scalp infections.

Neem for oily skin

People with oily skin experience increased oiliness during the summer. Sweat deposits remain on the skin, resulting in rash conditions. Using neem in scrubs can help oily skin. It is recommended that the leaves are dried and powdered, then added to wheat bran (choker) or oats. Use a small amount of rose water to make a scrub, rubbing it gently onto the skin. This product reduces oil and prevents pimples and spots on the skin.

For oily skin, mix lemon juice with neem leaf infusion and apply it to the face. After 20 minutes, wash it off. Also, this reduces oil production and prevents skin problems.