10-minute walking routine to improve heart health

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Here is some surprising news! Just ten minutes of walking each day can help in improving our heart health. Studies have shown that even short bursts of physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and boost overall well-being. This routine combines short walks with simple exercises to maximise heart health benefits.

The benefits of walking for just 10 minute

Stepping out for just ten minutes of walking each day can offer numerous health advantages. According to the American Heart Association, short periods of physical activity can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that even short, moderate-intensity exercises can decrease the risk of cardiovascular events by up to 14%.

Walking helps build stronger bones and muscles since it is a weight-bearing activity. As we age, this can be especially helpful in preventing osteoporosis and strengthening general mobility.

Warm-up: Preparing your body

Before starting to walk, it's important to warm up our muscles. Begin with gentle stretching for about two minutes. Focus on the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Follow this with a minute of slow, deliberate walking to gradually increase heart rate. This preparation reduces the risk of injury and enhances your walking efficiency.

During the warm-up, pay attention to the posture. Stand tall, engage the core, and relax the shoulders. Good posture not only prevents strain but also maximises the efficiency of our walk.


The core routine of walking

Spend the next six minutes walking quickly. Aim for a pace that makes it slightly difficult to hold a conversation. This intensity level will help elevate our heart rate, promoting better cardiovascular health. According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, walking is effective in lowering the risk of heart disease and improving overall heart function.

To maintain a quick and energetic pace, focus on taking quicker steps rather than longer strides. Keep the arms bent at a 90-degree angle and swing them naturally with each step. This will help increase the walking speed.

Include simple exercises

To maximise the benefits, add these exercises during the walk:

  • Arm circles: For one minute, extend your arms out to the sides and make small circles. This exercise enhances upper body mobility and increases your heart rate.
  • High knees: For the next minute, lift your knees to waist height while walking. This movement targets your core and legs, providing a full-body workout.

  • Cool yourself down
    The final minute of the routine should be a slow walk, allowing the heart rate to return to normal. Follow this with another two minutes of stretching, focusing on the areas you worked most. Cooling down helps prevent muscle stiffness and promotes better recovery.