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Make perfect cold brew at home

It's cold brew day and what better day to understand the lesser known facts about it. Cold brew is often confused with cold iced coffee but they aren't the same. There are many ways to make a cold brew but the easiest is steeping ground coffee beans are in ice cold water for over 20 hours straining out the coffee concoction i.e ‘Cold Brew’.

It may seem like cold brew has only become popular recently but its origins are profound in coffee's history.

Cold brewing as a concept takes a deep-seat in Japan . In the 17th century, Dutch coffee traders started trading coffee from the islands of Indonesia to Japan. In order to keep the coffee from expiring during long sea voyages and to avoid open flames that might set their wooden ships alight, they started figuring out a way to brew large quantities of coffee without damaging it. This quest led to the invention of cold brew since the method of brewing is so incredibly simple. Gradually, the Japanese adopted this method for themselves, which created the legendary Kyoto-drip method of coffee brewing, which is popular even today.

A cold brew is really as effortless as combining ground coffee with chilled water and steeping the concoction in the fridge overnight. What you'll be left with is a downright incredible concentrate that you can relish on right away or store for the next couple of days. Another reason why a cold brew is extraordinary is due to the cold steeping process where the coffee and water infuse gradually resulting in a blend that is smooth, mellow, less acidic or bitter for that matter. While cold brew has the same nutrients as hot brew, the attributes that differentiates them is that cold brew is half as acidic as hot coffee, has natural flavours and has a larger shelf life as it can be stored upto one month if refrigerated in a sealed container.

There is no denying that a cold brew is an incredibly refreshing summer drink. As the weather warms up, there defines no better climate to indulge in a chilled glass of cold brew as we continue to stay at home. We all can relate to the emotion of how satisfactory a day feels when accompanied with a right cup of coffee. Since stepping out is a task given the sensitive times, here is a quick DIY on how you can easily make your cold brew at home to give your body & mind the much needed boost of energy this summer.

Here are three simple steps to follow to make the perfect cold brew at home.

Right grind
In order to prepare the perfect cold brew, it is vital to get a larger grind, similar to that of coarseness of raw sugar. This technique forbids the brew from getting bitter overnight and gives your brew that perfect flavour.

Use a higher ratio of coffee to water
Once you grind the coffee beans, take a glass jar with a lid, add about 80 grams of ground coffee and 5-6 cups of regular water and give it a nice stir. If you want the blend to be smooth, leave it in the refrigerator for about 12 hours and in case you would like a strong blend, then 24 hours is an ideal time to get the perfect concoction.

Strain slowly
Last but not the least, it is vital to to gently remove the cold brew from the grounds. The best method to do this is to strain the cold brew gently through cheesecloth and a strainer. After straining it you can use a coffee filter to strain to get a much smoother consistency. And voila, your cold brew concoction is ready!

Here is a quick ‘Peppermint Mocha Coldbrew’ recipe to beat the heat!


1 cup coldbrew
8 coconut milk ice cubes 1/4 tsp peppermint syrup
2 Tbsp light chocolate syrup 1 Tbsp cocoa powder

Pour your coconut milk (or any milk) into an ice cube tray - you'll need at least 8-10 - cover with plastic wrap and freeze.

Add all ingredients to a blender and mix until well combined, adding an extra milk ice cube if needed. Taste and adjust flavors as needed.

Serve immediately or chill/freeze for later. Whipped cream, chocolate syrup and fresh mint make lovely toppings.

You can use light coconut milk or another milk, but full-fat coconut will yield a creamier frappe. Plus, it's vegan friendly.

By: Girish Chandra, Beverage Training Manager, Lavazza India