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Yoga for neck and shoulder pain

Sleeping is the body's mechanism to repair and health itself; however, at times, one may experience debilitating pain in the neck and shoulders after getting up from sleep. This can either be due to an awkward angle of the neck or head that might stress and stretch ligaments, muscles and joints or sudden movements during sleep that can sprain or strain the neck.

The stress and strain on the muscles can cause different types of pain like a tension headache, weakness of the arms, pain and tingling in the neck and shoulders. While medication can help one to get rid of the pain temporarily, yoga happens to be the best approach to treat neck and shoulder pain resulting from sleeping wrong. Yoga prevents any sort of further strain but provides the body with intense physical activity that helps to remain active and keep moving.

Right Posture to Sleep

There are basically 2 sleeping positions that are easiest on the shoulders and neck: on the back or on the side. It is best to use a flat pillow to cushion the head and use a neck roll to support the curvature of the neck while lying flat on the back. It is always better to avoid a stiff or high pillow as it can keep the neck flexed during sleep resulting in stiffness and pain after getting up.

Yoga Poses to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain

Whether one is looking to get rid of neck and shoulder pain from sleeping wrong or sitting at the desk for long hours, here are some yoga poses that can provide relief if practised on a daily basis.

Cat-Cow Pose

How to do:
● Come on, all fours
● Make sure that the wrists are under the shoulders and the knees are placed beneath the hips.
● Maintain the balance equally on all four
● Inhale while looking up and let the stomach drop down towards the floor
● Exhale and tuck the chin into the chest and draw the navel towards the spine
● Repeat a few times and relax
The pose strengthens and stretches the neck and shoulders.

Standing Forward Bend Pos

How to do:

● Stand in Mountain pose
● Inhale while raising the arms
● While exhaling bend forward, pulling the belly in
● Place the hand on the floor and let the head hang
● Keep the neck relaxed
● Hold the position for a few seconds and release gently
It relieves tension from the neck, spine and back and also keeps the spine flexible and strong.

Sphinx Pose

● Lie on the stomach with the toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the mat
● Stretch the hand in front with the palms facing downwards
● While inhaling, slowly lift the head, chest and abdomen
● The navel should be touching the mat
● Pull the torso back and with the support of the arms, off the mat
● Keep the feet together and breathe gently
● Hold for some time and release

It expands the chest and shoulders. It also strengthens the spine and the neck.

Child’s Pose

How to do:
● Sit on the heels, bend forward and lower the forehead on the mat
● Stretch the arms forward with the palms facing downwards
● Press the chest on the thighs
● Hold the position for a few seconds and release
It relaxes the back and the spine as well as alleviates stress on the shoulders.

Legs up the Wall Pose

How to do:
● Lie on the back close to a wall
● The buttocks should touch the wall
● Lift the legs up against the wall and rest the arms by the side
● Take deep breaths and hold the position for a minute or two
It relaxes the neck and shoulders and helps with back aches.

Final Say

It is always a good idea to sleep on the back or sideways in a well-supported position. Practising yoga on a regular basis is also the key to maintaining good flexibility in the body and avoiding cramps and pain.

Spokesperson: Mr. Pratap Dash Senior Yoga Teacher, Jindal Naturecure Institute