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Women enjoy porn as much as men: Study

Women and men are equally aroused when presented with sexual images, a new study has found.

It is widely viewed that men are more likely than women to become aroused by pornographic images. However, according to research conducted by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany, a person’s sex makes little difference to their response to sexual visual stimuli.

For the study, which was published in ‘PNAS’ on Monday, the researchers assessed data from 61 neuroimaging studies, a procedure which measures brain activity.

The team analysed brain images of 1,850 people who had been presented with “erotic visual stimuli”. According to their findings, human brains react to sexual images in the same way, regardless of an individual’s sex.

“There are just differences in behaviour— the number of men going to porn sites is 80% of the consumers,” says Hamid Noori of the Department of Physiology of Cognitive Processes at Max Planck Institute.