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What an idea! NASA to make in-built toilet suits for astronauts to avoid leakage of diapers

What an idea! NASA to make in-built toilet suits for astronauts to avoid leakage of diapers

Many of you ever thought that how astronauts managed diaper called maximum absorbency garments (MAGs) they wore in space. Hopefully not! But their leaky diaper creates trouble for the astronauts in space. Therefore, NASA has derived an innovative idea for them to finish this problem faced by the astronauts.

Now, NASA wants to make spacesuits which will have an inbuilt toilet facility. This spacesuit will help the astronauts to get rid of call of nature. According to the reports, this new suit will allow them to remain in it for six days straight in case of emergency.

However, NASA's Orion Crew Survival System Suits (OCSSS) has yet to come up with a design of the suit. Because space suits are the part of a contingency plan and will be worn by the crew at Orion spacecraft. Because the design will be made by considering the female astronauts too. Therefore, they have to work on this problem too.

The conventional NASA spacesuits already contain diapers (MAGs) which is helpful during the urgent business down the line. Normally, it is worn by the female crew. However, men's spacesuit comes catheters that fit over the penis like a condom. It collects the urine and transfers it to a bag outside the suit.

Astronauts unable to remain in it for not more than 10 hours and they use the toilets onboard the spacecraft once they take them off.

As per the experts, the new spacesuits toilets likely to be similar to those suits used by Apollo-era astronauts.