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New Traffic Challan System: All Vehicles, New or Old, Face Rs 10,000 Penalty Automatically at Petrol Pump

Global enforcement of traffic laws and regulations is being strengthened with severe fines and vehicle seizures for violators. However, despite these measures, some drivers persist in breaking the law, leading to frequent fines. To tackle this issue, a new system is being developed that will automatically impose fines at petrol pumps for vehicles without a valid Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate.

A fine of Up to Rs 10,000

Driving without a valid pollution certificate may result in a fine of up to Rs. 10,000.

The penalty for not having a pollution certificate is Rs. 10,000.

Despite its importance, many drivers forget to renew their certificates.

Cars lacking a valid certificate will now be barred from registration.

Caution at Petrol Pumps
Sophisticated cameras will monitor the vehicles' registration numbers.

All cars will need to use both gasoline and diesel at gas stations under the new system.

The car's pollution certificate will be verified by the system.

The system will automatically send a fine to the dribver's phone if the cerificate has expired. Rewrite this

Driver's License Renewal Time
Drivers will be notified to renew their certificates by the following day or evening.

Drivers will have a chance to update their pollution certifications during a limited window of a few hours.

A fine of Rs. 10,000 will be directly sent to the driver's phone if the certificate is not renewed promptly.

Enforcing pollution regulations with an automated warning system encourages compliance and promotes cleaner vehicles and safer roads through proactive monitoring before issuing fines.