Fuel Your Workday: 10 Healthy Office Lunch Ideas

Salad Jars

Layer your favorite vegetables, lean proteins and greens in a mason jar for a convenient and customizable lunch option. Dressing at the bottom and greens at the top keep ingredients fresh until you're ready to mix and enjoy.

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Quinoa Bowls

Packed with protein and fiber, quinoa bowls offer a satisfying meal base. Top cooked quinoa with roasted veggies, grilled chicken, avocado, and a drizzle of tahini for a flavorful and filling lunch.

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Veggie Wraps

Wrap up a variety of crunchy vegetables, hummus and a sprinkle of feta cheese in a whole-grain tortilla for a handheld lunch option that's both nutritious and portable. Add grilled tofu or chicken for an extra protein punch.

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Buddha Bowls

Combine grains, greens, proteins and healthy fats in a single bowl for a colourful and balanced meal. Mix and match ingredients like brown rice, spinach, black beans, roasted sweet potatoes, and sliced avocado for endless flavour combinations.

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Soup And Salad Combo

Pair a hearty vegetable soup with a side salad for a lunch that satisfies both comfort food cravings and nutritional needs. Opt for broth-based soups and load up your salad with fresh veggies and a lean protein source like grilled shrimp or tofu.

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Sushi Rolls

Swap out traditional sandwiches for homemade sushi rolls filled with fresh fish, avocado, and crunchy vegetables. Pack with a side of edamame and seaweed salad for a Japanese-inspired lunch that's low in calories and high in nutrients.

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Stuffed Bell Peppers

Stuff bell peppers with a mixture of quinoa, black beans, corn, and diced tomatoes for a nutritious and colourful lunch option. Bake until tender and top with a dollop of Greek yoghurt and a sprinkle of fresh herbs for added flavour.

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Mediterranean Plate

Assemble a Mediterranean-inspired lunch by pairing whole grain pita bread with hummus, tabbouleh, grilled chicken or falafel, and a variety of olives and sliced vegetables. This nutrient-rich meal is packed with flavour and easy to prepare in advance.

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DIY Grain Bowls

Set up a DIY grain bowl bar in the office kitchen with cooked grains like brown rice or farro, assorted toppings such as roasted vegetables, grilled proteins, nuts, and seeds, and flavorful sauces like tzatziki or peanut sauce for a customizable lunch experience.

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Fruit And Nut Yogurt Parfait

Layer Greek yoghurt with fresh fruit, nuts, and a drizzle of honey for a sweet and satisfying midday treat. Pack in a mason jar or reusable container for a portable lunch option that's perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while keeping you energized.

Image Source: iStock

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