The Brew-tiful World Of Coffee: A Caffeine Lover's Guide


Jun 6, 2023


A concentrated shot of coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans. It has a bold and intense flavor, with a thick crema on top. Often enjoyed straight or as the base for various coffee beverages.

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An espresso-based drink made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso. It delivers a milder and more diluted coffee flavor, while still retaining the boldness and strength of espresso.

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A classic Italian favourite, cappuccino combines equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It offers a harmonious balance of rich espresso and velvety texture, topped with a sprinkle of cocoa or cinnamon.

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A creamy and smooth coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and a small layer of foam. It provides a milder coffee taste, perfect for those who prefer a gentler flavour profile. Syrups or flavourings can be added to customize the taste.

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A delightful combination of espresso, steamed milk, and chocolate syrup. It offers the perfect blend of rich coffee flavor and the sweetness of chocolate, often topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle.

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The macchiato is similar to espresso coffee, topped with a small amount of foamed or steamed milk to allow the taste of the espresso to still shine through. The result is a coffee taste with touch of creaminess, creating a balance between the two.

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​Cold Brew

Coffee brewed by steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold water for an extended period. The result is a smooth and less acidic flavor with subtle undertones. It's typically served over ice and can be enjoyed straight or with milk and sweeteners.

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​French Press

French Press coffee or plunger pot coffee, is a popular brewing method to produces a rich and flavorful coffee. It involves steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in hot water and using a plunger to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds.

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Flat White

Flat white coffee is a double shot of espresso combined with velvety steamed milk, creating a luxurious and smooth experience. It has a stronger coffee flavor compared to a latte, with a creamy texture and minimal foam.

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A blended coffee beverage made with ice, milk, and various flavors. It's a refreshing and indulgent treat, often blended with whipped cream, syrups, and toppings like chocolate shavings or caramel drizzle.

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​Turkish Coffee

It is a strong and rich coffee made of simmering finely ground beans in a small pot. It is served in small cups, allowing the sediments to settle. Turkish coffee is enjoyed for its intense flavour and is often accompanied by a touch of sweetness.

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