Bringing Nature To Your Balcony: 10 Plants That Attract Birds

Apr 3, 2024

By: NewsPoint

Sunflowers (Helianthus Annuus)

Sunflowers produce large, vibrant blooms that not only add a cheerful touch to your balcony but also provide an abundant supply of seeds loved by a variety of bird species, such as finches and sparrows, making them a delightful attraction for birdwatchers.

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Lavender (Lavandula Spp.)

Lavender's fragrant flowers not only create a soothing ambiance on your balcony but also act as a magnet for birds like hummingbirds and butterflies, drawn to the sweet nectar and vibrant colors, making it a sensory delight for both you and your avian visitors.

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Coneflowers (Echinacea Spp.)

Coneflowers not only showcase their striking, cone-shaped blooms but also produce an abundance of seeds that serve as a delectable treat for birds such as goldfinches and chickadees, ensuring a constant flurry of activity and chirping on your balcony.

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Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia Hirta)

These cheerful, yellow flowers not only brighten up your balcony with their sunny disposition but also attract birds, especially during late summer when the seeds are ripe, providing a picturesque scene and a buffet for feathered friends to enjoy.

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Salvia (Salvia Spp.)

Salvia's vibrant, tubular flowers not only add a splash of color to your balcony but also serve as a convenient refueling station for hummingbirds, with their nectar-rich blooms acting as irresistible magnets for these tiny, fluttering wonders of nature.

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Holly (Ilex Spp.)

Holly bushes not only offer year-round greenery and a touch of festive charm but also provide vital shelter and sustenance for birds, particularly during the harsh winter months when their vibrant berries become a lifeline for avian visitors seeking nourishment and refuge.

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Trumpet Vine (Campsis Radicans)

Its showy, trumpet-shaped flowers not only create a striking visual display on your balcony but also beckon hummingbirds with their abundant nectar, inviting these enchanting creatures to hover and sip, adding an element of grace and elegance to your outdoor space.

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Wild Bergamot (Monarda Fistulosa)

Also known as Bee Balm, its aromatic blooms not only perfume the air with their delightful scent but also serve as a bustling hub for birds, bees, and butterflies, offering a cornucopia of nectar and pollen-rich rewards for pollinators and avian enthusiasts alike.

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Serviceberry (Amelanchier Spp.)

Serviceberry not only graces your balcony with delicate, white blossoms in spring but also bears fruit that birds eagerly devour, providing a seasonal feast and attracting a diverse array of winged visitors to your balcony garden.

Image Source: Freepik

Native Grasses

Grasses like Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) or Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) not only add texture and movement to your balcony but also provide essential shelter and nesting material for birds, contributing to a thriving ecosystem.

Image Source: Freepik

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