Power Of Ayurvedic Super Fruits: 10 Fruits For Optimal Health


Known as the Ayurvedic monarch of super fruits, mango offers abundant energy. Alongside jackfruit and bananas, it reigns as one of the top three energetic foods. With countless varieties available, mangoes are a true delight.

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Pomegranate, revered in Ayurveda, balances Pitta and rejuvenates cells with its sour taste and astringent properties. A women's health powerhouse, it detoxifies, supports the uterus, and provides essential nutrients for a balanced system.

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With its sour taste and high fiber content, bananas provide instant energy and contribute to ojas. They aid digestion, relieve constipation, and balance Kapha while reducing water retention. Avoid combining bananas with milk due to their sour nature.

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Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla, the nectar filled with life force (prana), promotes health, vitality, and youthfulness. Known as Rasayana, it harmonizes all three doshas. Preserve amla in honey, jaggery, sugar, or spices for daily consumption.

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Universally celebrated as a super fruit, apples help balance Kapha in Ayurveda. Opt for sweet varieties, as sour apples can lead to imbalances in Vata and Pitta. Cooked apples contribute to ojas, enhancing overall well-being.

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Overlooked yet vital, pears balance hormones and boost energy. Juicy and sweet, they enhance positive emotions. Enjoy pears fresh, baked, sautéed in ghee, or in spiced stews.

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Despite being sour, Ayurveda values sweet and dried grapes. They nourish, balance, and relieve constipation. Sweet raisins enhance desserts and puddings.

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A blissful summer fruit, watermelon is revered in Ayurveda for its ability to balance Pitta. It quenches thirst, prevents dehydration, and is an essential inclusion in summer diets. Indulge in its refreshing sweetness.

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Although light, papaya possesses intense and hot properties, with a sweet taste and a bitter aftertaste. It helps balance Kapha, aids digestion, and establishes equilibrium within the body.

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"Bilva" or "Vilvam," Bael has spiritual significance and is offered to Lord Shiva. Ayurveda recognizes it as a super fruit, reducing Kapha and aiding cold, congestion, and sinus problems with its hot potency.

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