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Tamarind for health

There is no curry on earth without using Tamarind or imli. Tamarind is also used in all the chutneys. The so called chaat, Paanipuri, Pav Bhaji is full of this tamarind extract.

Like Mirchi , Tamarind is also must for our life.Tamarind has lot of antiosidants and medical values. Antioxidants are substances that can prevent cell damage.

They can counteract the effects of free radicals, which are implicated in cellular changes that may lead to cancer. Tamarind is rich in antioxidants. In animal studies, researchers found that tamarind extract can reduce the damage
caused by renal cell cancers.

In fact the Ugadi chutney is nothing but the juice of Tamarind.

In traditional medicines, tamarind was considered a remedy for “biliousness” and other liver-related complaints.

The immediate effects of consuming tamarind soothe indigestion and nausea, but contemporary research shows that the fruit may positively affect liver health. The tamarind contains antioxidants called

procyanidins, and experts believe they protect the liver and counter fatty liver disease.

The tamarind could bring down swelling and pain at the wound site.Researchers today have found that it can reduce internal inflammation,which has health benefits. In particular, the anti-inflammatory
effects may improve blood sugar regulation for people with diabetes.