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Amazon's ChatGPT rival AI chatbot for coding is now available for everyone

Amazon ’s cloud business, Amazon Web Services ( AWS ), has announced the general availability of Amazon Q – an AI-powered assistant for software development and leveraging companies’ internal data. The company says that this AI chatbot generates highly accurate code, tests and debugs them.

It is also said to offer multi-step planning and reasoning capabilities for implementing new code generated from developer requests.
The company also said that Amazon Q makes it easier for employees to get answers to questions across business data such as company policies, product information, business results, code base, employees, and many other topics.

“Since we announced the service at re:Invent, we have been amazed at the productivity gains developers and business users have seen. Early indications signal Amazon Q could help our customers’ employees become more than 80% more productive at their jobs; and with the new features we’re planning on introducing in the future, we think this will only continue to grow,” said Dr Swami Sivasubramanian, vice president of Artificial Intelligence and Data at AWS.

The announcement includes the general availability of Amazon Q Developer and Amazon Q Business , as well as the new Amazon Q Apps capability (in preview).

What are Amazon Q Developer and Amazon Q Business
Amazon Q Developer AI-powered assistant helps developers with various tasks, including:

Coding: Amazon Q offers suggestions and recommendations for code in near real-time.
Testing and upgrading: Q assists with testing existing code and upgrading applications.
Troubleshooting: The tool helps diagnose errors and find solutions.
Security: Q can scan code for vulnerabilities and suggest fixes.
Resource optimisation: It helps developers optimise their use of AWS resources.

While the Amazon Q Developer section focused on developers, Amazon Q Business helps businesses to leverage their internal data by:

Information retrieval: Employees can quickly find relevant information across various internal sources.
Data analysis: Q can assist with data analysis and generate insights.
Content creation: The tool helps create reports, presentations, and other content tailored for different audiences.