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New Vs. Old: Key Differences In India's Parliament Buildings

The old Parliament building, inaugurated by Lord Irwin on January 18, 1927, has borne witness to momentous historical events spanning over 96 years.

From the colonial era to the tumultuous Second World War period, this architectural gem observed India 's transition to Independence, the framing and adoption of the Constitution, and the passage of countless pivotal legislations that shaped the nation's destiny. Its hallowed walls have reverberated with debates and decisions that have indelibly marked India's path.

Key Distinctions Between Old and New Parliament Buildings The transition to the new Parliament building introduces several notable differences:

Increase in Seating Capacity
The new Parliament building represents a substantial upgrade in capacity and modern amenities. It is meticulously designed to comfortably accommodate 888 Members of Parliament in the Lok Sabha , an impressive threefold increase compared to the old Lok Sabha.

Furthermore, the new Rajya Sabha chamber will provide seating for 384 members, offering an enhanced and more spacious environment for parliamentary proceedings. This expansion paves the way for more efficient functioning and improved facilities for parliamentarians.

Farewell to the Central Hall
In a noteworthy departure from tradition, the new Parliament Building will not feature a central hall like its predecessor. Instead, the Lok Sabha in the new building is designed to accommodate joint sessions seamlessly, eliminating the need for additional chairs during meetings.

Embracing Modern Technology
As a special gift to the nation on its 75th Independence Day, each seat in the new Parliament building will be equipped with a multimedia display, ushering in an era of advanced technological integration within the legislative process.

An Eco-Conscious Endeavour
Sustainability takes centre stage in the agenda of the new Parliament building. It embraces eco-friendly construction materials and incorporates energy-saving devices, promising a 30 percent reduction in electricity consumption—a significant step toward a greener, more sustainable future.

Media-Friendly Facilities
Recognising the vital role of media in disseminating information, the new Parliament building will boast special facilities for media personnel. A total of 530 seats will be allocated to the media, and both houses will feature galleries equipped to broadcast parliamentary proceedings to the general public, fostering transparency and accessibility.