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Understanding Doxxing: Is It Illegal In India? What To Do If It Happens To You

In the vast digital landscape, a menacing phenomenon lurks: doxxing . But what exactly is it, and what recourse do you have if you fall victim to it? Let’s dive into the details.

What is Doxxing ?

Doxxing, derived from “dropping documents,” is the online exposure of private information without consent, often with malicious intent.
This can include personal details like addresses, phone numbers, or even sensitive images, making victims vulnerable to harassment and real-life threats.

Methods and Defense

Doxxers employ various methods to gather information, from IP tracking to phishing schemes. Combatting it requires vigilance and action. Document the evidence and report it to the authorities or relevant platforms like social media sites. While some platforms like X (formerly Twitter) have specific policies against doxxing, others, like Facebook, address it under broader privacy violations .

Legal Landscape in India

While India lacks specific legislation against doxxing, existing laws cover related offenses such as voyeurism, defamation, and online stalking. The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act of 2023, though, has limitations regarding publicly available data. However, avenues for seeking recourse exist, such as filing complaints with cybercrime authorities or utilizing online platforms for reporting anonymously.

Gender Dynamics

Doxxing isn’t gender-neutral. Studies indicate that women are disproportionately targeted, facing a barrage of online violence ranging from trolling to doxxing. A 2020 report by UN Women and another by The Economist Intelligence Unit reveal the alarming prevalence of online violence against women globally, with significant regional disparities.

In a digital realm teeming with threats, understanding doxxing is crucial. While legal frameworks evolve, proactive measures like education, platform policies, and swift reporting remain vital in safeguarding against this invasive practice. Remember, in the face of doxxing, awareness and action are your best allies.