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The story of Jamila Begum from Barpeta, who is terrified she will be excluded from the NRC today

Bear with me as we tell your story. Let me introduce you.

Jamila Begum, 44 years old, from Barpeta, Assam.

I know this is not the best time – the monsoon is here; the river is furious and your village is flooded – but we also do not have much time left. The final National Register of Citizens list comes out today, Saturday.

We met at your tin-walled house, built so for flood resilience. Your four children were there – a boy and three girls. Two of your daughters are married, the third engaged.The son is still in school, which is now shut because of the floods.

The day we met, you told me that you have not been able to work in your small field ever since you have had to go around figuring out why your name did not appear in the NRC list. The village chief, the gaubura, says it is because your panchayat certificate was not accepted as proof you are your father’s daughter, that Jamila Begum is the daughter Abdullah Islam, whose name was present in the 1951 NRC list. The notice says, “Legacy person not parent or grandparent.”

Never having been to school and married off before you could have documents like...

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