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The Worst Street Foods for Your Digestive System: A Guide to Avoiding Discomfort

Street food is often tempting, with their tantalizing aromas and vibrant colors, but it can be a minefield for your digestive system. While some street foods are safe and tasty, others can wreak havoc on your stomach, leading to digestive discomfort and potential health problems.

Avoid street foods for digestive comfort
To keep your digestive system happy and healthy, here are some street foods you should avoid:

1. Open or uncovered food
Any street food left in the open runs the risk of contamination from dust, flies and other environmental pollutants. Foods such as cut fruits, salads and open snacks are particularly susceptible. Consuming these foods can increase the risk of foodborne illnesses such as diarrhea, food poisoning, and stomach infections.

2. Undercooked or raw meat
Avoid street food with undercooked or raw meat such as kebabs, grilled meats and some sandwiches. Eating undercooked meat can reduce your risk of salmonella and E. coli, which can lead to serious digestive problems. Make sure the meat is fully cooked, with no pink or raw areas.

3. Fried foods cooked in low quality oil
Fried street food like samosas, pakoras and fried chicken can be heavy on the stomach, especially if cooked in low-quality or recycled oil. These oils can become rancid and contain harmful compounds when heated repeatedly. Opt for foods cooked in healthier oils like olive oil or avoid fried options altogether.

4. Foods with high spice or heat levels
While spicy foods can add flavor to street food, they can also irritate your digestive system, especially if you're not used to it. Dishes loaded with chili peppers, hot sauces, or excessive spices can trigger acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion. If you have a sensitive stomach, it's wise to choose lighter options.

5. Street vendors with poor hygiene practices
The hygiene practices of street vendors vary widely, and eating from unsanitary food places you at risk of foodborne illness. Look for vendors who maintain cleanliness, use gloves or utensils to handle food, and have a clean cooking area. If you notice poor hygiene practices, it's best to avoid eating there.